The Game within the Game

Raushan Mishra
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

Everyone is playing a game in this life. Most of them have their own versions of game. There are game within the game. Becoming a legend is different game than being very good academically.

Often when we see a superstar in any field they are most of the time are outliers. Outliers in the sense not very good in everything. Their path is very different from their peers or colleagues. It’s that for a certain reason.

Most of people are the copy of the copy of the copy. Everyone tries to do the same thing and try to out compete each other. They become better version so their copy maybe. But they don’t create anything new.

Because creating new requires a different path. A war in different direction. A war not to defeat someone. A war towards unknown. A war towards uncertainty and finding something new in that uncertainty.

That’s the real risk, that’s the real courage. Very few people shows this kind of courage in the life that’s why very few people are really great in this life. Otherwise everyone is a copy of others.

Things we work hard for some academic reason will never bring the real change. An essay written for the exam so that bunch of losers will judge your essay quality may be help you to pass the exam. But that essay will never bring a real change in the real life. Becuase that essay has been written for getting good grade.

Maybe same goes for the scientific exploration. Even in field like Maths and everything if it has been done for the academic purpose it has almost no life.



Raushan Mishra

I am a Programmer in Machine Learning. I am avid fan of Science Technology. I like figuring things out. I also read bit of philosophy, Buddhism.