Life is a War

Raushan Mishra
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

This life is a war. Even though we aren’t fighting with the axe and bow and arrow or gun but we are still fighting, we are still competing and fighting. I didn’t want to accept that but Life will force you to accept it.

We fight for money. We fight for women. We fight for the piece of land. We fight psychologically and mentally. Criticizing someone, insulting someone, manipulating someone using either tv, internet, message it’s all the form of violence. These violence can incur more damage than the direct attack. These violence can cripple someone for the life. Life has always been a war. Women select their mates by making two person compete and selecting the winner.

How can it not be? We try to see Krishna as a God all compassionate and nice but Krishna if you will see a Krishna in modern life you will hate him. In Mahabharata He exploited everyone’s weakness to his own advantage. He made look like killing Dronacharya son to cripple him and then killing him.

Gandhi got it wrong that Krishna was a non violent person. He was extremely violent. Maybe Gandhi didn’t get it wrong. He did the job. He got the result. May be it was his way to fight the psychological war. He read Gita and maybe he got the idea that war can be won psychologically also. I am not sure though. He also read war and peace by Leo Tolstoy.

Similarly nothing in our ancient scripture is true as it has been written. Everything has been modified to make it seem nice. But it’s far from true. How Dhritrashtra was killed because of the weakness for…



Raushan Mishra

I am a Programmer in Machine Learning. I am avid fan of Science Technology. I like figuring things out. I also read bit of philosophy, Buddhism.