
Raushan Mishra
1 min readApr 16, 2023


We are from the childhood being conditioned in the various ideology. It’s not anyone’s fault mainly because everyone is conditioned without realizing it. People do things without their awareness. It’s like going into the circle. Everything is a copy of the copy of the copy. So, each person is trying to copy others. Each person is trying to give advice to others while they haven’t verified themselves that the advice worked for them or not.

The thing is we need to ask has any advice really worked for us? So, any decisions we take is it really in our control? This questioning goes really deep. A very nice writing and very logical explanations

which sounds really rational and logical may be entire wrong when questioned deeply to it’s core. The blogs and substacks are filled with people’s opinions like rational explanations for all the things which aren’t working but why believe in them. On what basis a person should believe on those ideas or facts just because it sounds nice or it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s true. What is the thing is really wrong so basically we are surrendering our life on a popular article or the blog without really verifying it that it’s correct or not. Time is so precious and relying on these things people may waste their entire life. All the self help books and podcasts and the twitter influences and the you-tubers, do they really know or just pretend to be known.



Raushan Mishra

I am a Programmer in Machine Learning. I am avid fan of Science Technology. I like figuring things out. I also read bit of philosophy, Buddhism.